Indonesia SIPF

Indonesia SIPF is an institution that runs Investor Protection Fund that was established to collect a certain amount of fund in order to protect Investor that has an account in Custodian, from an event of Investor Asset loss if the Custodian is not in condition of returning the asset.

There are conditions for an Investor to be protected by Investor Protection Fund:

  1. Deposit and have a Securities account in Investor Protection Fund Member (Custodian);
  2. Have a Sub Securities Account by Custodian in Securities Depository and Settlement Institution;
  3. Have a single investor identification provided by Securities Depository and Settlement Institution.

Yes, of course. The protection of Indonesia SIPF does not depend on nationality nor territory of your location. Insofar your asset is deposited in an account of one or multi Custodians, you are in our protection.

You can make sure that you are protected by Indonesia SIPF by finding a sticker stating "Member Custodian of Investor Protection Fund" on every Securities Broker Dealer and Custodian Bank. If you find the sticker, that Custodian is a Member of Investor Protection Fund, and its client is in our protection undoubtedly.

Essentially, every Investor that has an account in an Investor Protection Fund Member, is our protection. Notwithstanding, it does not apply to an Investor who meets these conditions:

  1. Is involved in or is the cause of the loss Investor Asset;
  2. Is a controlling shareholder, director, commissioner, or an official working one level below Custodian Director; and
  3. Is an affiliation of the abovementioned parties.