Investor whose asset being protected by Investor Protection Fund shall meet the following requirements:
Those requirements shall not apply for Investor who meets the following criteria:
In terms of asset protected or investor to be protected, the following protection stages shall apply:
Jan 1, 2014 - Dec 31, 2015
Investor Protection Fund shall only provide indemnification to the Investor who is a client of Securities Broker Dealer that performs the administration of client’s Securities account and Member of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).
Toward Investor Asset, such indemnification shall be limited only to Investor Asset in the form of stocks kept in Collective Custody of Depository and Settlement Institution and listed on IDX.
Jan 1, 2016
Investor Protection Fund shall only provide indemnification to the Investor who is a client of Securities Broker Dealer that performs the administration of client’s Securities account and Member of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), and also a client of Custodian Bank.
Toward Investor Asset, Investor Protection Fund shall only provide indemnification to the Investor who is a client of Custodian Bank. Indemnification on Investor Asset in the form of fund which are protected by Investor Protection Fund are the funds kept in Clients’ Fund Accounts opened by Custodian in Bank in name of respective Investor.
Investor Protection Fund Institution shall perform claim handling activity of Investor for the loss of Investor Asset after the FSA declares the following conditions:
By no later than 3 (three) business days following the decision of FSA, Board of Directors of Investor Protection Fund Institution shall:
Indemnification to Investor by using Investor Protection Fund shall be conducted in compliance with the following provisions:
Such indemnification shall be given in the form of fund of equal value to a loss of Investor Asset and/or at a maximum limit determined by the FSA for each Investor and Custodian. Indemnification on the loss of Investor Asset shall not cover the loss of estimated future investment value.
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